The Musings of Two Long-Time Friends

Tag: intentions over impact

Part 3: White Fragility in The Hate U Give: The White Ally

Part 3: White Fragility in The Hate U Give: The White Ally

In contrast to Hailey, whose white fragility worsens throughout the book, Starr’s boyfriend, Chris, is provides a dynamic look at the “white ally.” He comes from a wealthy family, goes to a private school, but he’s enamored with black culture and dates one of the […]

Part 2: White Fragility in The Hate U Give: The Racist Joke

Part 2: White Fragility in The Hate U Give: The Racist Joke

This post will examine Hailey, one of Starr’s friends who displays racially problematic behavior throughout the book and demonstrates white fragility clearly. In one moment in the story, the teenagers observe a basketball game and joke about their “food babies” after a hefty lunch of […]