The Musings of Two Long-Time Friends

Category: Rachel

Wordle in the Classroom

Wordle in the Classroom

In January 2022, the game Wordle took the internet by storm. Scores featuring boxes of yellow and green were plastered all over social media and became the talk at the water cooler: “how many guesses did it take you to get today’s Wordle?” “What is […]

White Saviorism… and How to Avoid it

White Saviorism… and How to Avoid it

I’ve had glitter bottles in my classroom as long as I’ve had a classroom, but this year – after much expertise gleaned from years of practice – my bottles were so particularly beautiful that my students talked me into selling them. (Here’s a shameless plug […]

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Sneaky, Not-So-Anti-Racism

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Sneaky, Not-So-Anti-Racism

Resources that sound progressive and anti-racist might be white supremacy in disguise, so anti-racist educators need to be careful. Here are some red flags to pay attention to. 

Villainizing the term “Woke”

Villainizing the term “Woke”

Have you ever said a word over and over and over and noticed how quickly it loses its meaning? If not, try it – just pick the closest object on your left, and repeat the word thirty or forty times and pay attention to how […]

Is “Systemic Racism” Real?

Is “Systemic Racism” Real?

 “When the architects of our great republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as […]

Panic Attack

Panic Attack

Today, I saw my husband have a panic attack. On our way home from the gym, we decided to check an errand off our list with a trip to the ATM. We needed to bop home for Dido’s wallet, but luckily it was on the […]

Black History Month: Reflections and Recommendations

Black History Month: Reflections and Recommendations

I’m sorry this post is delayed – February 2020 felt rather normal, but by March, the world was falling apart and the truth is that I lost a lot of my drive to write. However, with the recent incidents bringing racism into the forefront again […]

Reflections on Resolutions: Getting Fit

Reflections on Resolutions: Getting Fit

For New Years, I think it’s important to reflect because – for the first time ever! – I actually achieved two of my resolutions. This post will be about the first. I made working out a part of my life. My husband of ten years […]

Horror Movie Marathon

Horror Movie Marathon

I found myself with a lonely day: my roommates were tired, my husband traveling, Stephanie already back at school. I embraced this – after a weekend cruise that involved crowds, a cramped cabin, and constant stimulation, a day to chill was welcome. So I googled: […]

Writing Contest: Three… two…. one….!

Writing Contest: Three… two…. one….!

So, my bestie, Steph, talked me into participating in a writing contest, which I hadn’t done since college. It was a fun endeavor, though, more like improv comedy than short-story writing. The premise is simple: on a designated Friday night, you receive a prompt that […]